yolanda owens
“iwi” is an acronym for “it is what it is”. Our products are chemical free, paraben free, and toxin free. We believe in letting things be as a form of self care..it is what it is.
Our logo symbolizes recycling from the Earth into your skin. We are mobilizing, constantly moving, growing and evolving through prosperity, such as the vibrant green of our logo.
founder & Executive Skincare Chef
Inspired by her grandmother -- Cosetta Blackmon's -- proven home remedies. Yolanda would spend summers at her grandmother's house. Yolanda Owens, "The Executive Skincare Chef", was inspired by her grandmother's home remedies. When Yolanda's eczema would flare up, Cosetta would ask her to run out to the garden to gather potatoes, onions, thyme and other fresh veggies to place in the tub to create a skincare soup. After soaking in the "Skin Soup" and receiving other home remedy treatments. Yolanda's eczema cleared up.
During college, Yolanda's grandmother would send her self care packages with veggies and herbs along with a handwritten note. The note instructed her to give her grandmother a call for the recipe. After graduating college, Yolanda pursued a career as an IT engineer for various fortune 500 companies.
When her middle child, Austin, began to experience eczema flare ups, she purchased every dermatologist recommended product on the market. They each worsened his eczema, Yolanda then reverted to her grandmother's traditional recipes. Soon, Austin's eczema was relieved.
Coworkers, friends and others demanded the product. The demand was so great, it began to outweigh the time and effort she exerted for her full time corporate career. Yolanda realized she was not fulfilled by her position in corporate America, and decided to enroll in cosmetology school and pursue her passion and calling by creating iwi fresh.
Today, Yolanda's family traditions live on through her daughter and Owner & Legacy Coordinator of iwi fresh: Maya Johnson.

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